Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

  • phone 0151 332 7000
  • mail info@pfcmat.org

Our Approach

As a Trust, our priority is to establish a school environment where our academies flourish. We are stronger together and being part of larger group is essential to our success. 

We set a strong precedent on recognising that our academies have distinctive differences that sets them apart, while providing the opportunity to share, develop and work collaboratively, to determine best practice.

With the goal of facilitating others’ work, the Pope Francis CMAT Team offers our academies experience in finance, estates, business operations, strategic leadership, SEND, HR, legal, PR and marketing and IT.

Our Central Team liaises with our academies leadership teams to maintain that support is targeted to each of our academy’s needs.

We support our schools through various avenues, which is detailed in our 'How we support our schools' document - updated version coming soon.