Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

  • phone 0151 332 7000
  • mail info@pfcmat.org

Due Diligence

As well as our experience in the field, Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust uses the guidance of the Department for Education on due diligence. We have streamlined the process to ensure a smooth and efficient transition. We work with the school to review finance, capital resources and Health and Safety compliance, contract novation and support the TUPE transfer of the staff ensuring the transfer is seamless.

There is more information on the areas we review in our Due Diligence Review document:

Converting to an Academy - Due Diligence Review

Running alongside these reviews is a legal framework that effectively transfers the school into the MAT. This involves the agreement of four agreed legal documents that capture the transfer. They are: 

  • The Commercial Transfer Agreement
  • The Church Supplemental Agreement
  • The 125 Year Lease Agreement
  • The Supplemental Agreement

Each school conversion has a project plan with agreed milestones and regular meetings to ensure that the conversion is on track and that all stakeholders are involved in the process.

From the moment the Governing body makes the decision to convert, it can take as little as 3 months to complete.

We recommend conversion during ideal windows such as the start of the school academic year, the new calendar year, February half term or Easter, but we can work with schools to convert at any time.

Once the school has taken the decision to join our Trust, there is access to a supportive network of schools and the sharing of best practice and resources to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students is immediate. We are excited to welcome new schools into our community of learners and look forward to working together to achieve our values of unity, excellence, love and service.